Amplifying Voices

Episode 14: Empowering Education: Reviving the March in March with Dr. James McKeever

In the latest episode of Amplifying Voices, we are privileged to hear from Dr. James McKeever, President of AFT 1521 Faculty Guild and sociology professor at Los Angeles Pierce College. Dr. McKeever played a pivotal role in reviving the March in March after a decade-long hiatus, a movement dedicated to safeguarding educational resources and opportunities for both students and educators. He passionately advocates for the continuation of the March in March as an annual tradition, emphasizing its broader objectives including advocating for affordable housing, expanding access to the college promise, and empowering students to actively shape their narratives rather than leaving them in the hands of politicians.

Dr. McKeever reminisces about the early days of the March in March, highlighting its significance in addressing the challenges faced by students today. This conversation underscores the importance of nurturing students' aspirations and providing them with the resources to pursue their dreams. Interested in getting involved? Spread the word across your campuses to ensure that both students and faculty are ready to participate. Additionally, you can become part of the preparation group for next year's March in March by reaching out to Dr. James McKeever at [email protected].


Executive Director Position Search

The Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) and the FACCC Education Institute (FACCC EI) are collectively looking for an experienced, energetic, and accessible leader to serve as the executive director. The executive director will serve as lead staff for both entities and direct staff efforts to fulfill the mission and vision of the respective organizations.

PPL Inc., a California Community College based consulting firm, has been selected to assist with the recruitment for the FACCC/FACCC EI Executive Director.


FACCCTS Spring 2024 Edition
Transformative Education: Navigating Disruptions and Advocating Quality 


The Spring 2024 edition of FACCCTS has been released. Within its pages, you'll uncover topics including, but not limited to, chatbots in academia, the use of zero-textbook-cost pathways to enhance education accessibility and affordability, a detailed examination of the 50% Law, an introduction to our new Interim Executive Director Emily Haraldson, and invaluable insights from former FACCC Executive Director Evan Hawkins.

You can find the complete digital version and highlighted articles here.