Great Teachers Seminar: Thank You to Our Attendees and Facilitators Our heartfelt thanks go out to our facilitators, who ensured that each session and discussion ran smoothly. This year was particularly special as we had the opportunity to sponsor two GTS seminars for the first time, and we are immensely grateful for this experience. We can't wait to see what next year has in store! FACCCTS Spring 2024 Edition
The Spring 2024 edition of FACCCTS has been released. Within its pages, you'll uncover topics including, but not limited to, chatbots in academia, the use of zero-textbook-cost pathways to enhance education accessibility and affordability, a detailed examination of the 50% Law, an introduction to our new Interim Executive Director Emily Haraldson, and invaluable insights from former FACCC Executive Director Evan Hawkins. You can find the complete digital version and highlighted articles here.